Frequently Asked Questions


How long can I store Barefoot Wine after I open it?

Have some wine left for another time? Just keep the air out by resealing it and you should be good to toast for a week. The celebration can keep going! When storing your uncorked Bubbly, reseal it with an airtight closure and stick it in the fridge. That should help it last at least a week.

What’s a Foot Fan?

Do you love Barefoot Wine & Bubbly? Then you are a Foot Fan! Make sure to join the conversation online. Be our friend on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.

Why do your wines not have a year on them?

Age is just a number! And we’re non-vintage so you get your fav Barefoot Wine every single time you make a toast.

Ok, wait. What’s all this wine jargon I keep hearing mean?

It doesn’t matter. You don’t need that here at Barefoot. As long as you’re loving what you’re tasting then the rest of that hoopla is just extra words.

Help! I can’t find Barefoot at my local grocery store.

First, take a deep breath and calm yourself. Then check out our store locator to see if another store near you carries Barefoot. 

Our Passions

What is Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue?

Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue is a program we developed with the Surfrider Foundation that helps save the world’s coasts. Learn more about it here.

What is the Surfrider Foundation?

The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps protect the world’s coasts and waterways. They educate people about the issues facing our marine environments. Learn more about them here.

What are Barefooters?

More accurately, who are Barefooters? They’re our feet on the street. Check ‘em out and all the great stuff they do here.

If Jen Wall could be any type of grape, what would she be?

Jen would totally be a Chardonnay grape. Everyone loves Chardonnay and who doesn’t want that?! Plus, Chardonnay is flexible and pairs well, just like Jen.

Photos & Videos

Why can’t I add a photo?

You can. You just can’t do it here. Check out all the fun photos on Facebook and upload one of you Getting Barefoot & Having a Great Time!

Got More Questions?

Still stumped? Ask or call 800.750.8828.